Mermaid Spring Inspirations
March is an in-between-time. These are the days when the sun already glimpses through the clouds, then disappears again, only to leave a promising scent of early spring in the air.
Some first confused little flowers might blossom, only to be surprised by a back-to-winter snow rain day where the temperatures again move under zero degrees. But we know it's just waiting! Spring will be there at some point.
To inspire you for the new looks that are about to come, we have collected some inspirations from mermaids around the world. From Marie who took her watch JOSEFINE to Florida's Miami Beach to Elina who is a fan of MIA, we provide you with wonderful styling ideas from mermaids at different locations.
Tulips are an often seen icon of spring. Do you also have observed the abundance of color options that have flooded your local bloom stand? Marie from Jack and Maris Blog in France took her watch JOSEFINE out for a stroll to get a bouquet.
Being travel ready, Marie also let JOSEFINE accompany her to the cool surroundings of Miami Beach in Florida.
By the way: Did you know that the Mermaid Stories watches are made with straps of super soft vegetable tanned leather? They will only get more beautiful the more you take them out to the sun.
Some mermaids wonder whether pink is a good color to choose for a watch when you have so many outfits to match it with. But you'd be surprised how well it even looks with crazy colors like red. You can of course also add it to create a more grown-up and office-ready look. Krisser from Copenhagen Stories took the chance and looks stunning in this sophisticated beige - dusty rose combination, wearing one of you mermaids' favorite models MIA.
Blue and black do not work together? This image shows the beautiful proof of the contrary. Nanna from Copenhagen takes a cozy day in denim with her midgnight-colored favorite watch LOUISE.
While still being in a Nordic cool pre-spring status where you need to wrap yourself well, Copenhagen is already blossoming on the rare days when spring shortly shows itself and people get out. Tuni from Metropolife took her watch MIA out to the triangle installation at Ofelia Plads - featuring an orange jacket which is definitely a statement of spring-readiness.
If you are also ready for a new spring version of yourself, why not take some days only for that? Elina from Bare Minds in Germany took her watch MIA to a beautiful spa-like atmosphere, next to the clean Beauty Elixir from Merme Berlin. The vegetable tanned leather we use gives our watch straps a very soft feeling when wearing them. Also, the Mermaid Stories watch cases are of course nickle-free.
➸ Feeling inspired to enhance your own spring style? Choose your own Mermaid Stories watch and discover their personalities!